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Prayer Request: D R Congo Prayer Request: D R Congo


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D R Congo (Jul 27, 2020)

Prayer Request:
=12px[color=#000000]May I request prayer for D R Congo? =13.3333pxThank you for last 2 time's contribution for a total stranger.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]These are the prayer details I used to pray personally,and I hope more people to participate with.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]-Prayer request for D R Congo-[/color]=12px[color=#000000]=13.3333px=13.3333pxSituated in Central Africa, past 25 years has suffered devastating civil war's D R Congo need your prayer. =13.3333pxFamous for =14px[color=#222222]Mukwege and [/color]=13.3333px400 thousand female victims =13.3333px(A l=13.3333pxot of them are infected with HIV with this evil, h=13.3333pxalf of them on Fistula disease,which 90% of them cannot get any treatment)  =13.3333px=13.3333pxG=13.3333pxenocide and torture for civilians were ubiquity past 25 years. =13.3333px=13.3333pxWould you please pray for =13.3333px450 thousand refugees,=13.3333px93% children don't have malaria protection,=13.3333px4 million orphans and 2 million children malnourished;  =13.3333px=13.3333pxAnd for =13.3333px1)Children under 5 years old fighting their lives with pneumonia,=13.3333pxmalnutrition,tuberculosis,malaria,HIV,=13.3333pxlow birth weight,=13.3333pxd=12pxiarrhoeal=12px disease=13.3333px.(A=13.3333pxlso up to 12 years children=13.3333px,and up to =13.3333px40 years adults (The population structure of D R Congo are concentrated on this age) [/color]=12px[color=#000000]=13.3333px=13.3333px2)P=13.3333pxregnant women (T=13.3333pxheir world's 9th highest maternal mortality rate) ,women fallen on Fistula =13.3333px3)No more genocide (clash between people) to happen,mercy on civilians during wartime.  =13.3333px=13.3333px4)Mer=13.3333pxcy on the people who are involving=13.3333px battle today  =13.3333px=13.3333px5)F=13.3333pxemale protection from violence/evil against women during wartime.(Annual 400 thousand;) =13.3333px=13.3333px6)Lastly let me emphasize this same kinds of war,also spreading neighboring Central African Republic,Chad (=13.3333pxIf you are able,please pray with case by case same details) =13.3333px=13.3333pxLastly, adding some more information there are child soldiers using as human shields.=13.3333px30 thousand among them,lots of 7,8 years old boys know nothing.For g=13.3333pxirl children, =13.3333pxcannot escape evil for women, praying for this country,m=13.3333pxost thing =13.3333pxmind me was=13.3333px that there were=13.3333px child soldiers giving up themselves in dark barracks somewhere (Give up to run away =13.3333pxby their bodies brutalized =13.3333pxor leave themselves to the flow of war=13.3333px). =13.3333pxLet me introduce a video clip for Malaria in Congo : =13.3333px [/color]=12px[color=#000000]=10ptLastly m=10pty small wish is we can 'keep' pray for the people of I requested before Somalia and Nigeria. =10ptLet's see the miracle of God together, when the problem has solved,let me send you a nice praise report. T=13.3333pxhank you for your attention and May LORD richly bless you.  =10pt [/color] =12px[color=#000000]=13.3333px=10ptAddress : 801,1603Dong,LH Samsong Apt.,Wonheung-dong,Deogyang-gu,Goyang-si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea Republic of [/color]

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